Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Not Too Shabby?

Yes!  Another shabby project to share with you today!  I can finally share this one since I gave it to my CBFF Debi this past weekend.  Debi is my go to gal when it comes to crafts, my business, and just everything!  Thanks Debi for being a great friend!

Since she's helped me so much over the past year with Sister Stamps, I decided to make her something to thank her.  Plus it gave me a good excuse to make this....

Any guesses?  Well, it started out as an easel frame, but I took out the glass and backing and replaced it with chicken wire.. Yes, that was me at Ace Hardware buying a couple yards of chicken wire.  Who knew?  I painted it white for a more shabby distressed look and in hopes that it will not rust as fast.  So what is it?  Well, I've seen several versions of this project while blog hopping and most of them are either used as an earring/jewelry holder, or message board. Debi said she was going to use it as an earring holder.  Yay!

I wasn't sure what colors Debi would like, so I was kinda nervous when I gave it to her.  I really wanted to use my blue so I just went for it in hopes she would like it too.  Before I added the flowers, I framed the opening with some faux rhinestone bling.  It was actually a double row, but I cut it down since the frame itself was not too wide and it would have covered most of the frame.  Then I went to town gluing on the roses and gardenias.  Added some brown for a more vintage feel.  After gluing down the flowers, I used my silver ice stickles on the flowers for more bling.  All flowers are by Wild Orchid Crafts and I am Roses.

Here you can kinda see the bling trim...

Thanks again Debi for all your help over the past year! Hope you guys enjoyed this project!


  1. I absolutely LOVE it! Can't believe you painted and added the chicken wire yourself. Just beautiful and yes, I'm using it as an earring holder. I've enjoyed being a part of SS! Thanks so much!

  2. Really cute project, so pretty!

    I have a couple of those frames, too. And I always like the chicken wire for clipping stuff to...hmm I think you inspired me!

  3. Pretty cool. I like that you colored the chicken wire white, gives it a really nice touch. Great project!

  4. Yahoo! Totally on a shabby roll! Go Jenny! Love it!!!

  5. AWESOME job Jenny! I can just see how much Debi loves this! I do, too! You truly are on a shabby-chic roll now...don't stop! I want to see more!

