Saturday, June 30, 2012

Let Us Eat Cake!

We're almost there!  Woo hoo- just one more day till you can get your hands on our new stamps!  All of our guest DT have been working soooooo hard coming up with all this inspiration- I  hope it helps you to be inspired when working on your projects.

You should have arrived here from Cami's blog... if not, you can jump to the front by hopping on over to the Sister Stamps blog.

So I thought to myself as I was coming up with Release 8 project ideas... what is a party without.... CAKE!  I love cake.  I mean that is my favorite dessert.  Cake and ice cream.  Mmmmmm!

So I got inspired by all those real cakes you see on the internet sites where other scrappers make these banners to put on their birthday cakes for their kids.  So I thought, why not make a paper version of this for Sister Stamps!  It is our birthday right?  Here's what the finished project looks like.

So I cut the cake slices from an old Sizzix pie slice die and made the "cake" base.  Since I didn't really intend on filing each piece of cake, I decided to adhere them together using some pleated ribbon from Stampin up as it reminded me of frosting. Then I channeled my friends Kimmie and Mrs. Lum and used some pearl bling over the ribbon.  Normally I'm not so frilly on my projects, but I thought it was fitting since its a cake after all.  Then on each piece, I added a rose that I had sprayed with perfect pearls mist.  Thanks Kimmie for that pearl trim!

Here's a close up of Mariko that I used for the topper.  First I cut the doily from my My Favorite Things die.  That die has so many pieces that pop out! It felt like forever, but I finally got all the pieces out.  Then I glued on more roses (also sprayed with perfect pearls).  In the middles I poked a BBQ skewer in the center and it fit nicely into the hole left between each cake piece.  Then I added my Mariko image onto scallop circles and adhered two of them over the skewer so it stayed erect.

The finishing touch was the Akemi banner over the whole cake.  I'm laughing to myself because I made the banner two sided and I thought I was so smart by putting the "a" behind the other "a", etc... I then showed it to my husband for approval, which I guess he didn't look at real good cause he didn't point out that I had spelled akemi correctly one one side, but if you turn it around, it spelled "imeka".. DUH!  ha ha ha ha ha!  I had a good laugh after that.  You would've really thought I was not so bright!  Luckily I caught that before any incriminating photos were taken.

Oh yah, the banner was made using the Paper trey ink banner die set.  I love that it gives you two sizes of the same shape to mat the banner.  The only thing is that the flags are a bit big for cards, but it worked out perfectly for this project.  The letters were also a Papertrey Ink die. I  am really loving this alphabet set!

Hope you are enjoying all of our projects so far!  Can you believe Release day is tomorrow?  Yay!  Then the real craziness will begin!  Stop by tomorrow for one last project!


Leanne said...
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Leanne said...

Holy Moly!! This is fabulous! I can see tons of people using this project for their own. Gorgeous cake Jenny and the topper is adorable. I am finding so many new ideas on this blog hop, love how creative this group is. Now I need me some PTI dies and MFT dies. lol.
I am really lookin' fwd to the madness tomorrow!! See you then!

ParkNSlide said...

Another amazing project---this hop rocks!

philsmom said...

wow what a fantastic centerpiece for a birthday party! Love the hot pink and the flowers on the cake. Beautiful.

Mimi said...

oh my!! this is really an amazing project! perfect how the banner name fits over the "cake"! makes a fantastic centerpiece!! ;D

glowegal said...

Aww this is gorgeous!!! I could totally see this on top of a birthday cake or at a keiki birthday party as table decor. So cute! Love it!

1LuvnMama said...

Yummo! I want to eat your cake and I too wouldn't have know akemi was spelled imeka. The cake would distract me! :) Awesome job Jenny and I can't wait to see everyone's creations tomorrow!

Linda said...

Again, this is FAB Jenny! I had to LOL when I read the "imeka" comment! Bwahahaha! This project is da bomb diggity! xoxo, Kimmie

Colleen said...

Thank you so much for such a fun blog hop in honor of the first b-day of Sister Stamps. I have been a fan of your line of stamps since the beginning and love them all. Thanks for being such a wonderful inspiration to us all. Love the beautiful cake that you made. It's a perfect cake to celebrate the first b-day of your stamp line.

Cyndi said...

Such a beautiful and creative creation! Love the pink and banner!

eunice said...

Wow, Jenny this cake and decorations looks like it took a lot of work...but the result is wonderful! Love all the attention to detail...a true labor of love!